
Designation: Lecturer

School: Health Sciences

Department: Medical Laboratory Sciences


He is a lecturer in Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Alupe University. Finalizing his Doctorate of Philosophy Medical histopathology and Cytology, Maseno University. He holds a MSC degree (Medical Histopathology and Cytology) Maseno University, BSC degree (Medical Laboratory Sciences) Mount Kenya University and a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences (Kenya Medical Training College). He has published widely in the field of oncology and parasitology. He ia a member of the Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board..

Academic Qualifications

January 2017 to dateMaseno University. Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in  Medical Cytology and Histopathology. Thesis title; Differential Diagnosis of Thyroid masses using HBME-1, GAL-3, CK19 and CD56 Immunological Markers at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya

2013-2016 – Maseno University. MSC Medical Cytology and Histopathology.

2009-2012 – Mount Kenya University. BSC- Medical Laboratory Sciences.

1996 – 1999. Kenya Medical Training College. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences.

Research Interests

He has researched widely in the field of Neoplasia and Oncology • 



1 *Chebii K, Bargoria F. and Alwala D. Cytohistological Correlations of Thyroid Masses findings at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya. International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol 03, No 12, 2016, pp 3322-3327

2 *Chebii K, Odunga J, Macharia B, Sang D, Kwena A, and Bargoria F. Diagnostic Accuracy of Fine   Needle Aspirate Cytology.A study of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret Kenya. Advances in Biomedical Sciences. Vol 1, No 2, 2016, pp. 14-19

3*Maina C, Oucho A, Chebii K. andKimani S. Experimental African trypanosomiasis: Effects on plasma melatonin concentration and pineal gland histology in rodents. Journal of innovation in Pharmaceuticals and Biological Sciences.Vol 1(1), 2014.

4*Bargoria F.K, Ngetich K, Bor E.K, Chebii K. Effects of Women Participation in Shgs groups On Households’ Social Status in Tinderet Sub- County, Nandi County. Researchjournal’s Journal of Sociology Vol 3 No 3 April 2017 ISBN 2342-3241.

5*Chebii K, Bargoria F and Alwala D.Comparison between turbidimetric and pyrogallol red methods for the estimation of   protein levels in cerebrospinal fluid at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. International journal of recent advances in multidisciplinary research

6*Onyambu F.G, Tanui S.B, Alwala D.S, Chebii K. and Kigen B.K. Platelet- mediated clumping adhesion phenotype of P. falciparum- infected erythrocytes: A review.Journal of Clinical review and opinions.Vol 8(1) ISBN 2141-2533

7 *Chebii K, Tanui S.B, Alwala D.S, Bargoria F. 2017.“Fine needle aspirate cytology of thyroid; a review ofdiagnostic patterns and comparison of findings with histology the gold standard, at moi teaching and referral hospital”, International Journal of Current Research, 9, (07), 54669-54672.

8. *Biwott J, Chebii K and Alwala D. 2018. Indications of blood transfusion among patients admitted at the medical wards of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 05, Issue 08, pp.4023-4025, August, 2018

Classes taught

Year One: Human anatomy

                   Medical physiology

                   Haemopoiesis, blood and body fluids

                   Cell biology and genetics

                   Community based education and service

Year two: General and Systemic Pathology

                  Community based education and service

Year Three: Histopathology and Cytopathology

                      Forensic Medicine and Applied Toxicology

                      Community based education and service

Year Four: Community based education and service

Other relevant links


Official Contact Details

Telephone number(s) 0722141994
