• Lecturer of Agricultural Education & Extension.
• School of science, Technology and Engineering, Department of Biological & Agricultural Sciences.
Dr. Ongang’a is a holder of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Education and Extension from Kisii University, with more than five years of University teaching at Kabarak and Alupe Universities. Dr. Ongang’a has extensive research experience in agricultural extension and teaching backed up by the various workshops and conferences attended, as well as publications in this field.
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Education and Extension
Kisii University
Theses title:Influence of Supervised Agricultural Experience Programme on the Learning Outcomes of Secondary School Agriculture Teaching among Students in Migori County, Kenya.
Master of Science in Agricultural Education
Theses title:Egerton University Influence of Selected School Related and Student Related Factors on the Choice of Agriculture Subject among Secondary School Students in Uriri Sub-County, Kenya.
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension
Egerton University
• Areas of research interest include agriculture subject teaching in Kenya with focus on non-conventional approaches to agriculture teaching in schools with bias in supervised agricultural experiences where learners are actively involved in practical learning processes. Youth participation in agriculture at local levels is another area of focus.
• Establishing Schools that are Responsive to the Needs of Competency Based Agricultural Education: the Future Farmers of Kenya Project. This project aims at setting up schools that can offer practical experiences and competencies need to tackle the current agricultural challenges when youths graduate from schools.
Conferences and workshops:
Conference: 1. Kabarak University International Conference on Emerging Issues and Trends in Education-October 2018 Papers: i. Subject Choice Information as a Component of Career Guidance: It’s Status in Secondary Schools in Uriri Sub-County, Kenya.- Ongang’a, P. O., & Atela, J. A. ii. The Relationship between Secondary School Students’ Attributes and their Attitudes towards Agriculture Subject: The Case of Migori District, Kenya. –Atela, J. A., & Ongang’a, P. O.
2. Kabarak University International Conference on Emerging Issues and Trends in Education-October 2019
3. Kabarak University International Conference on 21st Century Issues and Practices in Education-October 2020 Paper: i. Evaluating the Teaching Practice Component of the Teacher Education Programme in Higher Education: A Case of Kabarak University, Kenya. Ongang’a, P. O.
4. 3rd National Conference On Curriculum Reforms- KICC, Nairobi- 16 th august 2019 5. Conference on Africa’s Agricultural Productivity (CAAP)-KALRO, Nairobi-8th - 9th October 2019
1. Training on Curriculum Development and Reforms- Kabaraka University.
2. 21st Century Instruction (Training on Pedagogy and ISO 9001:2015 Awareness)-Kabarak University Directorate of Excellence on Learning and Teaching-21st- 23rd February 2019.
3. Workshop on Team Based Learning- Kabarak University Directorate of Excellence onLearning and Teaching-28 th – 30 th October 2019.
4. Workshop on Online Teaching And Instruction- Kabarak University Online-May/June 2020.
5. Workshop on Online Instruction - Alupe University College - April 2021.
Journal Publications:
1. Ongang’a, P. O., Nkurumwa, A. O., and Konyango, J. J. O. (2015)-Factors Related to Secondary School Students’ Choice of Agriculture Subject in Uriri Sub-County, Kenya. IOSR-Journal of Research and Methods in Education. Vol. 5, Issue 2, April 2015. Page 46- 55.
2. Ongang’a, P. O., Nkurumwa, A. O., and Konyango, J. J. O. (2014) Influence of Selected Factors on the Choice of Agriculture Subject among Secondary School Students in Uriri Sub-County, Kenya. IOSR-Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 19, Issue 10, October 2014. Page 57-63.
3. Ongang’a, P. O. (2020). Availability and Use of School Farm and other Facilities in the Implementation of Agriculture Programmes in Secondary Schools in Migori County, Kenya.International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. Vol. 8, Issue 3, July- September 2020. Page 211-220
4. Ongang’a, P. O. (2019). Subject Choice Information as a Component of Career Guidance in Secondary Schools in Uriri Sub-County, Kenya. East African Scholars J Edu Human Lit. 3(10). Page 521-524.
5. Ongang’a, P. O. (2020). Evaluating the Teaching Practice Component of the Teacher Education Programme in Higher Education: A Case of Kabarak University, Kenya. British Journal of Education. . 8(8). Page 1-15.
6. Ongang’a, P. O., Adede, W. O., Odhiambo, J. and Basweti, E. A. (2020) - Improving Knowledge Gain in Secondary School Agricultural Education through Supervised Agricultural Experience Programme (SAEP) in Migori County, Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research. Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2020. Page 46- 55.
7. Ongang’a, P. O., Odhiambo, J., Adede, W. O., and Basweti, E. A. (2020) - Using Supervised Agricultural Experience Programme as A Teaching Approach to Change Students’ Attitude Towards Practical Agriculture among Secondary School Agriculture Students: A Case Of Migori County, Kenya. Global Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 8, Issue 3, August 2020. Page 20- 41.
8. Ongang’a, P. O. The position of
agriculture in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya: implications for
Agricultural Technical, Vocational Education and Training
(ATVET): A review. International
Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field. Vol. 9, Issue 7, July 2023.
Page 189- 194.
General Botany
Vertebrate Zoology
Management and Conservation of Natural Resources and Ethology
Principles of Crop Production
Introduction to Soil Fertility and Management
Introduction to Animal Science and Management
Introduction to Agricultural Economics
Biology Education I
· Biology Education II
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5884-4252
Twitter: https://twitter.com/odhiambonganga
Linked in:
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Email: podhiambo@au.ac.ke
• Telephone number(s): 0726700727